Kim Hales is an award winning photographer, artist and writer who found inspiration in her wiener dog, Ellie. Because she has always believed in the power and magic of a good book, Kim dedicated herself to writing stories for children and building a publishing company that would celebrate books for the young and the young at heart.

It’s Hard to Be Good is the first book in the “Life’s Little Lessons By Ellie the Wienerdog” series and chronicles the adventures of Ellie, a wienerdog who faces a dilemma we’re all too familiar with: she wants something that’s off-limits. This hilarious short graphic story had me and the two kid-foodies laughing out loud as we read along!

Life’s Little Lessons By Ellie the Wienerdog
The book teaches kids about making the right decisions in a fun way that’s easy to follow along. Jaf loved how the illustrations perfectly captured the mood and Ellie’s dilemma…should she or shouldn’t she eat the sandwich?

This is a great book for pre-school age kids – Jaf instantly knew what was the right thing to do, and he recognized that Ellie was rewarded with treats when she behaved well.
Fun Ways to Teach Kids Good Behavior
All throughout, we see Ellie going through an internal dialogue, struggling to make the right decision, something that’s very easy for kids (and adults) to relate to. She does really try to be good, after all, what dog doesn’t love hearing the words
What a good dog
uttered from their owner’s mouth? The illustrations are very vibrant and give you a sense of Ellie and her spirit.
Where to Buy Life’s Little Lessons By Ellie the Wienerdog

It’s Hard to Be Good is the first book in the “Life’s Little Lessons” series, and is the perfectly suited for younger children. It’s easy to follow along for both kids and adults alike, and makes reading fun! You can purchase on Amazon here.
The kids enjoyed reading It’s Hard To Be Good and look forward to reading the rest of the books in the “Life’s Little Lessons By Ellie the Wienerdog” series when they’re available.
Disclaimer: We received a complimentary copy of It’s Hard to be Good. However, as always, all opinions expressed on the blog are our own.