Middle East & North Africa

kid-friendly guide to Lebanese food

There’s Something About Hummus

Wherever we seem to travel to, no matter which country we are in – if there’s a Middle Eastern restaurant nearby our kids are asking for some hummus. Made with chickpeas (garbanzo beans) and tahini, this low fat, high-fiber, protein appetizer is always a winner with children. Blended together to make smooth dip, hummus is …

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Top 5 Kid-Friendly Restaurants in Beirut, Lebanon

Lebanon. One of the most fascinating and exotic cities in the world, and yet remains unvisited by so many. With constant travel restrictions and ongoing turmoil going on in the region, it’s hard to imagine taking your family to this destination for a holiday. Yet, each summer this city is jam-packed with vacationers from Europe, …

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Not Your Average American Breakfast!

Every year we’ve been fortunate to travel to Beirut, Lebanon to visit family (hubby was born and raised in Beirut). And every year the first thing we order for breakfast is Fatteh and Foul Mdammas from Al Walid Restaurant. It’s wonderful to sit with family early in the morning, eating this warm meal and catching …

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things to do with kids in Dubai

Introduce Your Kids to Culinary Arts

My husband and I always knew our kids would grow up with some kind of “food” interest, since both of us are restauranteurs. What surprised us though was our children’s early interest in wanting to take cooking classes, repeatedly asking us to sign them up for one. We notice their interest in becoming budding Chef’s …

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things to do with kids in Dubai

Top 10 Kid-Friendly Places to Eat in Dubai

Edit: Check out our 2016 edition of 10 Kid-Friendly Restaurants in Dubai. Twenty years ago no one even heard of Dubai. Today, the city is being declared as the gastronomic capital of the Middle East region for having over 200 cuisines nationalities in 2014. In celebration for their recognition, the Dubai Food Festival was celebrated …

Top 10 Kid-Friendly Places to Eat in Dubai Read More »